Daredevils Squad rules

General requirements and rules to Daredevils Squad D(full patched) members.


When becoming a Member of the Daredevil Squad the player will be issued a “D” number as a Call sign. This is a Member Associated Badge/Patch. If member has left or has been dismissed from the squad/team, badge/patch have to be returned back to Daredevils squad.


Squad members required to attend games regularly. D(patch) Members are requires to attend a minimum of 2(two) games in a period of 8(eight) weeks. Our big games attendance 100% required in 8(eight) weeks time.

Spreadsheet Whatsapp

All D members must to fill out spreadsheet. Be active on Whatsapp group chat. All conversations in group chats endint at 9pm.

Be ignorant of

Any member of DS who is inactive for 2 continuous months outside of strenuous circumstances will be placed under supervision and may be removed as a Squad Member. Decision will/might be made by Commander