28-01-2024 Driver wood Airsoft

mes themselves were a rollercoaster of excitement and friendly competition. We kicked off with some impressive wins against the formidable orange team. They gave us a tough fight, eventually turning the tides in their favour for a few rounds. Despite the losses, we kept our spirits high, enjoying every moment of the game. One highlight of the day was during our break when I met the affable and talented Joe. After a great chat and observing his gameplay, I invited him to join our team, and he agreed! It's always exciting to welcome a new member who fits so well with our ethos. After a rejuvenating lunch break, we were back in action. There was a humorous incident where VJ, in a moment of over-enthusiasm, accidentally shot down our teammates with a mortar. But, true to our team's character, we all shared a laugh over this mishap. The afternoon session was a tight contest with the orange team, with victories evenly shared – a testament to the skills and determination on both sides. As the day progressed, the challenges of the muddy terrain and puddles tested our endurance. We noticed a dip in communication and attention, but considering the exhaustion, it was understandable. As the afternoon progressed, VJ had to step back due to a leg issue, taking on a more observational role. I, too, found myself stepping back from the last game, feeling the effects of the long day in wet and muddy terrain. Nonetheless, watching the team push through was inspiring. Despite the day's challenges, the game was nothing short of amazing. The team spirit and enthusiasm were palpable throughout. Reflecting on the day, we recognise areas for improvement like enhancing our communication, fine-tuning radio chatter, stepping up in leadership roles, and boosting our coordination and teamwork. A special note to the gentlemen without radios – acquiring one would greatly enhance our gameplay in future matches. Also, a cheeky shoutout to VJ and Luke D15 for their mischievous yet impressive shot breaking helicopter glass from 70 meters! To sum up, it was a phenomenal day with the Daredevils at Drivers Woods. Thank you all for the energy and the laughs. Let's keep building on our strengths and looking forward to more exhilarating games together!

As the weather is improving more and more airsofter come out of their hibernation. We were extremely lucky to have a dry and mild weekend which was absolutely perfect for a game. We had 3 Daredevils members and 3 new and old recruits attended. During the game 2 other players were interested to join the team. All made Welcome by D1 Commander and the rest of the Daredevils.

Driver Wood was excellent as always, providing the greatest facilities and unmissable atmosphere. A lot of effort was put into the field. Some areas were cleared to add more visibility but also provide plenty of cover as well. The new bus and the changes around the main road bring the area plenty of new opportunities to ambush, hold lines and advance.

They are trying a new game setup currently where no medic rule is in place. Instead of using a number of medic bands and then walking the long way back to the base, this time there were 2 spawn areas allocated to each team. One static, as before at any games and being far away. The other one was a mobile spawn area which was moving according to the needs of the team. It was set a minimum 15 meter from any objective and set the front line and that gave us more opportunity to return after a hit. The aim was to allow players to respawn quicker and hoping to reduce non hit takings. Personally I think it was a great idea and it made the game more intense, reducing the time for players returning from base.

The game was simple. The attacking team had to retrieve a body from the “Plane” and needed to move it on a stretcher to a number of objectives as “6Wheeler, Old Bus, White Helicopter and finally Tower Bridge. The defending team had to make sure it did not happen.

At the beginning our team missed the crucial part of the game and left the stretcher back at the main spawn area. While the fight was happening to secure access to the “Body” we realised our mistake and a few Daredevils went back to retrieve and help out the team. Unfortunately the defending team managed to sneak into the area and ambushed us. A fair fight took place by the “Hut” where the defenders took position but eventually our team cleared the area and successfully returned to the front line. After the little hiccup the Daredevil Squad managed to retrieve the “Body” and moved to the first objective position – “6Wheeler”. Our team was pushing the defending team back to “Tower Bridge” and trying to take over “CQB” and pushing to “Corner Tower”. The “Body” was taken to the “Old Bus” and the objective was completed without problem as the area was completely under control of our team. Unfortunately after these advances the frontline became steady and the rest of the time did not change. The “Corner Tower” changed a few times but our team could not manage to secure the position to attack toward “Tower Bridge”. The Daredevils Squad made significant changes through the game by starting as retrieving the stretcher. D1 managed to shoot a number of mortar rounds to distract the defending team lines and allow us to push forward. I have to say D12 made an excellent expression and brilliant gameplay by leading and completing a number of assaults behind enemy lines. He managed to clear and hold the “Corner Tower” at the end of the game. I am proud to call him our squad member.

One of the best games I had with the Daredevil Squad. The communication were great and the Squad moved as one during attacks supporting the whole team and other Daredevils. It showed the strength of a well prepared combat unit.

The 2nd part of the morning we were the defending team, following the same objectives as the previous game. The opposition team learned from our mistake and took the stretcher immediately and headed to retrieve the “Body”. Part of our team headed to secure the “Corner Tower” while the Daredevils headed to ambush the attacking team and get behind enemy lines through the forest area heading towards the “Tent”. Due to the condition of the field and the close location of the attacking team spawn area only a few members of our team got through. Again D12 was one of them and took the attackers by surprise. Again, D12 was absolutely amazing at communicating with the squad, giving the position where the other team were and successfully setting them back and allowing the rest of the team to push forward and defend their position.

Unfortunately it becomes obvious that despite our great effort and attacking tactics, our defending strategy is not developed enough. The communication was ok but we could not manage to overcome the attackers. I think this is definitely something we need to work on to have a Squad defensive tactic and practice it properly on games. Otherwise we lose the advantage of the Squad during defensive operations.

All in all it was a great game and I met a few nice players as well. Looking forward to the next adventure.

D12 -JOE Your attitude represent the Daredevils values perfectly.Our appreciation goes beyond these words.
